
From student to healthcare professional in Switzerland

Facing the unknown is sometimes a bit dark and a step too far for many. The familiar is easy and accessible, but is that what moves you forward as a person?
Super philosophical of course, but really it just boils down to YOLO. But then with the thought that you will have to pay back your Uncle Dagobert (DUO) after your studies, because you challenged your liver with quite a few yellow fun cylinders on a weekly basis during the study years.

I myself have not been an exemplary student, always writing my own summary. So I have never sat brushing my teeth, in the front row of the lecture hall, while my pores were still trying to squeeze out the ethanol from the day before. However, I have always tried to get the best out of myself, like many. So this is partly why I started working in healthcare in Switzerland. But of course it is not nothing. You feel you are leaving a lot behind for something you don’t know yet and of which you don’t know if it, is worth it. But believe me. If I can do it, so can you.

For many months, I hesitated over this choice (after all, I too can easily spend an hour doubting which flavour of ice cream I want on my cone). But once you have weighed everything from your relationship, friends and family to how to get your cycling bike to Switzerland, the adventure really begins. And what an adventure, mennn! I don’t like rollercoasters, as they make me nauseous, but this rollercoaster I would recommend to anyone.

But what makes this rollercoaster so much fun? Well, it’s like going back to your first year of university. Everything is new and you want to experience as much as possible. Nothing stops you and it takes you to crazy places. You get to know new people and yourself. Every time, you marvel at how you ended up here and whether you will ever experience this again. YES! May be the answer….  

So are you open to new experiences, curious by nature or do you like nature and sports? Then just have a look around on CareToMatch and/or give Maarten a call (+31-629533630). He is always there for you! And should you be interested in my further experience here in die Schweiz or want some inside information? Just let me know… because I’ll be writing more blogs for


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