Why Learn German?

For most healthcare professionals in Switzerland, it is a requirement to master one of the Swiss languages at a B2 level to have their diploma recognized. This can be achieved in German, French, or Italian. The majority of job opportunities are in German-speaking areas.

Effective communication with patients is essential, making it desirable for you to speak German reasonably well. The level of proficiency needed varies depending on the target audience and the role you are in.

Different Levels
Your German proficiency is measured on a language level, and you can take an exam at one of the recognized exam boards for each level:

  • A1: Beginner. Understands simple words and very short sentences.
  • A2: Still basic but with slightly longer sentences.
  • B1: Simple and clear language. Understands most texts on common topics.
  • B2: Grasps more complex texts and topics related to their own profession.
  • C1: Understands difficult, long texts, even if abstract. Understands specialized language expressions, old-fashioned terms, and words.
  • C2: Understands everything said or written.

Usually, for a job interview, B1 level is required, but sometimes A2 may be sufficient. In some institutions, you may start working while still in a B1 course, but in most cases, completing B1 is necessary, and B2 is often required. Check your current level here: https://www.goethe.de/en/spr/kup/tsd.html

CareToMatch Contract

CareToMatch can better facilitate your placement if your German is reasonably good. Therefore, we are often willing to contribute to a German course. This willingness depends on:

  • How committed are you to living in Switzerland?
  • Are you easily placeable (pleasant personality)?
  • Could the recognition of your diploma pose problems?
  • Are you somewhat language-sensitive, and have you made some effort to improve your German?

2 Options

You have the choice of various language schools in advance. We have negotiated very favorable pricing with these two language schools. The B2 final exam is not included in the course and costs approximately 250 euros.

Option A – Online German Course

  • Taught in German for faster learning (proven effective).
  • 4 to 5 weeks, every weekday from 9:00 to 12:00, or 10 weeks, an evening course on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 18:30 to 20:30.
  • Digital materials for practice.
  • A1 is self-paid (around 300 euros) or self-study using these tips
  • each level from A2 t o B2 for 409 euros, with CareToMatch financing 75% (309 euros) for each level.

Option B – Online German Course in Spanish, Italian, or English

  • A1 + A2 for a total of 40 hours over 2 months.
  • B1 + B2 for a total of 120 hours over 6 months.
  • Maximum 1 hour per day, but times/days are flexible between 8:00-11:00 or 18:00-21:00.
  • Digital materials for practice.
  • A1+A2+B1+B2 for 1500 euros, with CareToMatch financing up to 750 euros.

Note: Individual levels cost 350 euros for A1 or A2, and 1050 euros per level for B1 or B2.

What if I (don’t) complete the course?

CareToMatch is paid when you start working with our clients. At that point, the amounts advanced by CareToMatch become a gift, and you don’t have to repay the course money. However, we strongly recommend completing the course. If you don’t finish the course and don’t start working through CareToMatch, you must repay the advanced amount within one month of stopping.

The Process in Brief

  • We determine your individual training needs in advance.
  • You independently practice some German using our tips.
  • We decide together if you are ready for the course and if CareToMatch will finance it.
  • You receive an explanation of the contract and sign it.
  • You pay CareToMatch your agreed share of the course, and we will enroll you the next working day. You can start the course immediately.
  • Once you reach (almost) B1 level, let us know, so we can connect you with healthcare institutions for a suitable job.
  • Together with the healthcare institution, you decide if you want to start or come for a trial day.
  • CareToMatch pays a maximum of 300 euros in travel expenses for the trial day.
  • With a contract in hand, you are extra motivated to improve your German.
  • Once you start, CareToMatch receives a placement fee from the healthcare institution, and the course money borrowed by CTM becomes a gift.

Adventure in Switzerland

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